In this section you will find all the information relating to the services made available by the University of Insubria.
You can browse the services already filtered by category or consult the complete list of University services at the bottom of the current page.
All services
Scope: Studying, University and city life
Recipients: Students, Graduates, Staff
Scope: IT and communication, Studying
Recipients: Students, Graduates
Access methods: Online
Scope: Libraries, Studying, Work tools
Recipients: Students, Graduates, Staff, Institutions and organizations
Scope: University and city life
Recipients: Students, Graduates
Access methods: Online
Scope: Listening and counseling
Recipients: Students, Graduates, Staff
Access methods: Helpdesk
Scope: Health and safety
Recipients: Students, Graduates, Staff, Institutions and organizations
Scope: Health and safety, Procedures for students
Recipients: Students, Graduates, Staff, Institutions and organizations
Access methods: Helpdesk
Scope: IT and communication, Studying, Work tools
Recipients: Students, Graduates, Staff
Access methods: Online
Scope: Helpdesks and support
Recipients: Students, Graduates, Institutions and organizations
Access methods: Online
Log in with: SPID, Electronic ID card
Scope: Libraries, Studying, Work tools
Recipients: Students, Graduates, Staff
Scope: Studying
Recipients: Students, Graduates
Scope: Libraries, Studying, Work tools
Recipients: Students, Graduates, Staff, Institutions and organizations