ERA: Researcher's recruitment

European Research Area: what does European Commission mean for "Researcher"?

The term "Researcher" is used by the European Commission in the widest possible sense and includes all researchers (Frascati definition: Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys on Research and Experimental Development, Frascati Manual, OECD, 2002) regardless of the specific profile, level, type of national contract applied. In 2011 the European Commission published the document "Towards a European Framework for Research Careers" in which 4 main profiles are identified (for further information on skills and abilities required, see details on Euraxess):

  • R1 First Stage Researcher (up to the point of PhD)
  • R2 Recognised Researcher (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
  • R3 Established Researcher (researchers who have developed a level of independence.)
  • R4 Leading Researcher ( researchers leading their research area or field)
OTM-R policy

Open, transparent and merit-based recruitment (OTM-R) brings benefits to researchers, institutions, a country's research system, contributes to the full implementation of the European Research Area (ERA) and to an increase in the cost-effectiveness of investments in research. More specifically, OTM-R ensures that the best person for the job is recruited, guarantees equal opportunities and access for all, facilitates developing an international portfolio (cooperation, competition, mobility) and makes research careers more attractive. 

Our University is committed to a full application of all OTM-R principles through “Human Resources Strategy for Researchers” actions and is going to approve a proper policy.

Regulations, procedures, selections
  • PhD courses
  • Open positions
  • Regulation (PDF)
  • Scoring criteria: the calls report that the Committee attributes to each candidate up to a maximum of 60 points for each of the two evaluations (qualifications assessment and oral/written test). Oral/written tests are public and are considered passed if the candidate gets a score of no less than 40/60 points. The test results will be notified by means of an official publication of the ranking on the website of the University. 
  • Amount of scholarship/fellowship: standard amount as settled by Italian Ministry is € 15.343,28 per year (gross salary) + research activities budget + specific budget for six-mounths abroad; in case of Marie Curie fellowship the salary follows European rates
  • Fellowship is granted by an open selection procedure on the basis of CV and interview. The research activity will be carried out under the direction of a scientific supervisor. Minimum duration of the contract is 1 year, up to a maximum of 3 years + renewal (total duration of all fellowships with any Italian institution is 6 years).
  • Open positions: find and select “junior/senior/departmental research fellowship grant”
  • Regulation (PDF)
  • Scoring criteria: every call report scoring grid to be given to candidates based on qualifications, publications and any interview. The evaluation results will be notified by means of an official publication of the ranking on the website of the University. 
  • Amount: the minimum amount is set by MIUR at €19,367 per year (gross salary). No restriction on maximum amount
  • Temporary JUNIOR RESEARCHER (lett. a) – Open positions
  • Temporary SENIOR RESEARCHER (lett. b) – Open positions
  • Career Main Info (PDF)
  • Regulations on assignments and teaching contract (PDF)
  • Scoring criteria: a commission judges candidates drawing a scoring grid based on qualifications, publications and an interview, under D.M. 243/2011” Criteri e parametri riconosciuti, anche in ambito internazionale, per la valutazione preliminare dei candidati destinatari dei contratti di cui all'articolo 24, della legge n. 240/2010”.The evaluation results will be notified by means of an official publication of the ranking on the website of University.
  • Amount: The salary is in accordance with the provisions of the D.P.R. 15th december 2011, n. 232 (Regulation for professors and researchers’ salaries). ​The amount may be subject to adjustment in the event of variations in the law
    • Junior (ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo A): The salary for full time junior researcher amounts to Euro 35.733 per year, gross to the recipient, the salary for part- time junior researcher amounts to Euro 25.923,61 per year, gross to the recipient.
    • Senior (ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo B): The salary for full time senior researcher amounts to Euro 42.879,54 per year, gross to the recipient,  the salary for part- time senior researcher amounts to Euro 31.108,34 per year, gross to the recipient.

University professors (full/associate Professor) are recruited through a public competition; they carry out research and teaching activities in the academic sector and are public officials

  • Open positions
  • Career Main Info (PDF)
  • Regulations on assignments and teaching contract (PDF)
  • Scoring criteria: The Committees, with the members’ absolute majority deliberation, will identify the most highly qualified candidate to hold the position at the end of the comparative evaluation made on the basis of the candidates’ publications, CVs and teaching activities and of the discussion, if provided for in the call. The evaluation will take place on the basis of the criteria that were predetermined by the Committee, following the qualitative standards recognized at the international level. At the end, the Committee will compile a ranking list of the worthier candidates which is valid only in case of withdrawal of the most qualified candidate or for failure to take service. In such cases the Department may make a new call proposal on the basis of the ranking list.
  • Amount: according to the provisions of the D.P.R. 15th december 2011, n. 232 (Regulation for professors and researchers’ salaries). The amounts may be subject to adjustment in the event of variations in the law.
    • Associate professors:
      The salary for full time associate professor amounts to Euro 52.047,58 per year, gross to the recipient.
      ​The salary for part- time associate professor amounts to Euro 35.680,11 per year, gross to the recipient
    • Full professors:
      The salary for full time full professor amounts to Euro 74.163,55 per year, gross to the recipient.
      The salary for part- time full professor amounts to Euro 48.525,93 per year, gross to the recipient

For doubts or clarifications relating to the selection procedure, applicants can contact the Administrative Procedure Referee (RPA), finding his/her contacts on the competition announcement.
Go to:

For detailed information on the opportunity to directly access (and make a copy) of all recruitment acts and evaluation reports by simply addressing an e-mail to the Institution

According to italian legislation, formal appeal to the Regional Administrative Court can be presented.
