This Section does not apply to Exchange students
The University offers different grant opportunities, as follows.
The University of Insubria manages directly the policies supporting the students rights. The Regional Scholarship (borse per il diritto allo studio universitario) are financed by the Lombardy Region and the Ministry of Education, besides, the University of Insubria assures the financial coverage to all eligible students, in addition to the above mentioned funds.
These scholarships are granted upon participation to a specific competition.
In order to access this opportunity students must fulfill requirements based on both academic merit and economic situation as specified in the competition notice.
The amount of the scholarship depends on the economic situation and on the distance between the students home and the university seat.
For all details concerning the amounts, the requirements and the application procedures, please consult the Competition Notice.
Selections are normally open between July and September every year. Please see also:
This opportunity is available to particularly deserving students enrolled to the first year of Bachelor and Master Programs.
These scholarships are granted upon participation to a specific competition. Two specific calls are published every year, one for students enrolled to the first year of Bachelor and single cycle Master programs and one for students enrolled to the first year of Master programs.
For all details concerning the amounts, the requirements and the application procedures, please consult the Competition Notice.
Selections are normally open between July and September every year for Bachelor students and between January and March every year for Master students. Please see also:
This opportunity is available to excellent international, willing to regularly enroll at the first year of the Bachelor or Master degree programs.
Selections are normally open during summer every year.
The ISEE is an indicator of the economic condition (family information and incomes produced abroad) that can be requested to a CAF (Tax Advice Centre).
It is mandatory to apply for scholarships.
For further information go to the italian page "Contribuzione studentesca" and look for the paragraph "Presentare l’ISEE: modalità e termini per determinare la condizione economica del nucleo familiare".
Looking for accommodation? The University of Insubria offers accommodation for students and visitors in 5 University Residences, according to availability.
To take advantage of the accommodation service, students must meet the criteria established by a public Call, also known as “Bando”, published annually during the Summer.
The University offers a free 30-hour Italian Language course (usually it starts in March). To express your interest and to receive further information, please write to
You are in Italy, what now?
Read the attached guide, written thanks to other international students who have shared their own experiences at the University of Insubria, to find out the things to do upon your arrival in the country.
Do you need further support? Contact the international students' tutors.
For Master's Degrees:
- Azimbayeva Moldr: