The Ph.D. program is designed to train students for research activity; it lasts at least three academic years, during which the students acquire the necessary skills to perform high-profile research activities; it is an essential first step towards an academic career.
The Ph.D. program is accessed through an entrance examination based on qualifications and oral or written tests: those holding a Master's Degree or equivalent (Italian or foreign) may apply in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the call, published every year, generally in July.
Ph. D. candidates from extra-UE Countries must apply for a Visa for Study reasons, then, once in Italy for a residence permit. All details are availble on:
Where can I find the call for admission to doctorates?
The notices are published in the Competitions and opportunities section of the University website and in the Official Journal - Competitions series.
Competitions and opportunities:
How much does it cost to register for the PhD competition?
The admission fee for the competition is set at € 30.00 (thirty/00) and must be paid in a single payment using the payment notice attached to the online registration
How much does it cost to attend a doctorate?
All doctoral students (recipients and non-scholarship recipients) are required to pay an annual contribution of €156.00, as established by the "regulations on student contributions available at this link
When and where is the announcement published?
The notice is published on 11 June 2024 in the Competitions section with deadline 11 July 2024 at 12:00.
The call for PNRR scholarships is published on 12 June 2024 in the Competitions section with a deadline of 12 July 2024 at 12:00.
I registered, but I don't remember my username or password
Connect to the Student Secretariat Web Services, click on Menu and follow the "Password recovery" procedure.
Web Services Student secretariats:
I am a graduate student, can I apply for admission?
YES, undergraduates can apply for admission as long as they obtain the qualification by 31 October 2024. If admitted to the doctorate, they must communicate the date and grade of their qualification at by the date indicated in the announcement.
If a doctoral course includes multiple curricula, can I apply for more than one?
Yes, but if you are among the successful candidates for multiple curricula, given that it is not permitted to enroll in multiple curricula of the same course, you must choose for only one.
Work, can I apply for a competition?
Public employees admitted to a doctoral course benefit, for the normal duration of the course, from the leave provided for by collective bargaining or, if employed under public law, from extraordinary leave for study purposes, compatibly with the needs of the the administration, pursuant to article 2 of law 13 August 1984, n. 476, with or without grants and unless there is an explicit act of renunciation, only if they are enrolled for the first time in a doctoral course, regardless of the disciplinary field.
The employee, whether public or private, must inform the University at the time of enrolment of his/her work commitment, so as to allow the Teaching Board to verify work compatibility with the fruitful carrying out of training, teaching and Course search.
What should I do with the registration receipt?
Once registration for the competition has been completed, it will be possible to view and print, via the Student Secretariat Web Services service, the registration receipt which is kept by the candidate.
I did not complete the application within the deadline, can I send all the documentation by email?
No, the application for admission must be submitted exclusively electronically via the University of Insubria website, by accessing the Student Secretariat Web Services no later than the deadline indicated in the announcement.
Web Services Student secretariats:
Can I choose to compete for both the ordinary scholarships and the additional scholarships?
YES, it is possible to register for the competition at the same time for ordinary positions as well as for those financed pursuant to Ministerial Decree 629 and Ministerial Decree 630 and for research projects but for a maximum of two positions, even referring to different courses and payment is required for each of the fee of €30
I was eligible for both scholarships I applied for, what should I do?
The choice for one of the assigned positions must be communicated to before enrolment.
After entering the evaluable qualifications, I am unable to proceed with the procedure
Some of the required qualifications are mandatory, if they are not uploaded it is not possible to continue completing the application.
For compulsory titles the minimum number of titles that can be loaded, indicated alongside in the section, is equal to 1 while for optional titles the minimum number is equal to 0.
What is meant by self-certification?
Self-certification or self-certification declaration is a signed declaration on a plain sheet of paper (not a revenue stamp) in which a declaration is made under one's own responsibility. The templates for self-certifications are available in the document attached to the announcement for each doctoral course.
I am a non-European citizen, can I self-certify?
Citizens of states not belonging to the European Union regularly residing in Italy can self-certify, in Italian or English, only states, facts and personal qualities that can be certified or attested by Italian public entities. For everything else it is necessary to attach the appropriate documentation.
What are the places with project grants?
These are positions put up for competition whose scholarship is linked to a particular research topic, which must be carried out during the Doctorate.
Is there a minimum score in the assessment of qualifications to access the oral exam?
Some courses require the achievement of a minimum threshold in the evaluation of qualifications for moving on to the oral exam; this information is reported in the individual course sheets.
PCDP Personal Career Development Plan: the introduction of PCDPs will lead to an improvement of career guidance (as they will benefit of a structured support subject to monitor and evaluation) and, on the other hand, they represent an empowerment measures for the supervisors (as they will enhance their mentoring skills with the introduction of quality elements in the process)