Infostudenti - Information service for students

Scope: Helpdesks and support
Recipients: Students, Graduates, Institutions and organizations
Access methods: Online
Log in with : SPID, Electronic ID card
Contenuto servizio
InfoStudenti - White graphic novel balloon on a fuchsia background

InfoStudenti is the web application that offers a communication channel with various University offices (including Student Secretariats, Integrated Services for Students - Right to Study, Orientation and Placement Services and Teaching Secretaries), available to Students and external users.

With this system you can send questions and receive the related answers, also attaching documents and following the status of your request.

We also remind you that the offices receive by appointment - in person or via the virtual-digital help desk service.
To request an appointment, use the "appointment calendar" function of the InfoStudenti service. Remember to specify the topic and whether the appointment will be in person or virtual-digital.

Modalities of use

You can ask for information or an appointment using the login credentials:

  • username and password assigned upon registration for students/graduates at Insubria; *
  • username and password provided upon registration for external users. ** 

Go to Infostudenti >

* forgotten password function for students/graduates at Insubria
** forgotten password function for external users

Spid and Cie ID writings with stylised human profile, all in blue

This service can also be accessed with the Public Digital Identity System (SPID) or Electronic Identity Card (CIE) identity.
Warning. In order to access correctly using this method, it is essential to already have a user name issued by the University.

Find out more: What is SPID? | Entra con CIE (access with CIE)

Numero verde - Toll-free number

For information and assistance via telephone, please call the Contact Centre.