Double degree programs

Studying abroad is a unique opportunity of personal enhancement not only from the academic and professional point of view, but also in terms of language learning, intercultural skills, self-reliance and self-awareness. A double degree (DD) diploma gives more chances to find a job in international companies and organizations, as well as in any industry requiring European minded candidates.

That is why the University of Insubria offers the opportunity to join double-degree programs in partner institutions across Europe to students enrolled in different Master  programs, namely:

How to apply

All the students enrolled in the first year of the above mentioned Master courses may apply for a Double Degree Program. Applications will be managed directly by the Departments every year (in January/February). The selected candidates will spend their mobility period at the partner institution following the double degree agreement’s contents.

The call is available here.

PLEASE NOTE: A very important requirement for students willing to participate in the selection is the advanced knowledge of the English language and/or the language of the host Country: some host institutions accept mobilities only for candidates duly presenting a language certification.

Ranking lists

The Double Degrees ranking lists are published on this website (“Commissione, svolgimento ed esiti” menu).

The assignees must confirm and accept the assigned destination.

PLEASE NOTE: At the end of the procedure students who have not confirmed their destination will be considered as “renunciative”; students who have rejected their destination, despite being among their preferences, will be considered as “renunciative”: the decision to reject a destination does not imply a penalty but is irrevocable, i.e. it involves the exclusion from any subsequent location reassignment included the ones left.


If you don’t want to lose an important opportunity to learn more… participate in the Insubria Erasmus+ Day:
- January 28th 2025 at 2 pm in Varese, aula Granero Porati, Bizzozero (held in Italian)
- January 29th 2025 at 2 pm (online) held in English
- January 30th 2025 at 2 pm in Como, aula S.0.1, Sant’Abbondio (held in Italian).