Other programs

Training courses

The courses offered, in some cases professionalising, can introduce the participant or allow him to satisfy scientific and cultural in-depth and updating objectives.
Any requirements necessary for admission are specific to each course.

Continuing education courses

The short-term cultural refresher and continuing training courses focus on specific topics in response to the needs for scientific and cultural in-depth study and updating or professional retraining in specific study and work sectors.

They are generally intended for those who are already in the world of work or have gained professional experience that is recognized and useful for the objectives of the course (students, graduates, professionals, etc.).


The Masterclasses are flexible and short-term training courses aimed at satisfying objectives of scientific and cultural in-depth study and updating or professional requalification in specific sectors of study and work.
To access these courses, a university level degree is required.

Language certification courses

The courses offered aim to provide the knowledge of a foreign language useful for taking a language certification exam.
Any requirements necessary for admission are specific to each course.

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