A short introduction to our University, in case you are looking for a qualified partner for your research project or for an excellent host institution for your fellowship!
University of Insubria was founded in 1998, spinning off from the long-standing tradition of the University of Milano and the University of Pavia. It’s a young and dynamic institution offering high quality education and facilities, international approach and high-level research.
The training offer consists of several courses of Degree, Master’s Degree, Doctoral Studies and Graduate Schools and covers several disciplines from humanities to the science, passing through medicine, economy and tourism. A special attention is dedicated to international exchange program: many bilateral agreements for Erasmus Student&Staff Mobility are well established as well as double degree programmes with foreign universities.
University of Insubria has always paid particular attention to scientific research, both applied and fundamental, investing in advanced laboratories and research centers and promoting the partecipation of researcher to collaborative research projects. University of Insubria has been awarded the European Label “HRS4R – Human Resources Strategy for Researchers”, therefore recruitment of researchers is in accordance to the European Charter for Researchers (ECR) and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (CCRR), ensuring that selection procedures are open, transparent and merit-based.
Uninsubria and H2020 projects:
Have a look at the main Fields on which the Research at Uninsubria is based and at our Research Groups:

MSCA Individual Fellowships: mobilty of researchers, apply with Uninsubria!
We welcome expressions of interest from post-doctoral researchers, interested in submitting an application to the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. Check here if you have all formal requirements and then contact us!
We aim at identifing potential candidates with an excellent profile to work with us and we will support their applications through our Research and Innovation Office. Please, send to applywithus@uninsubria.it your CV, pubblication list and abstract.

European Research Council – ERC grants: Excellence in Europe, a tenure-track or permanent position in Italy!
ERC guarantees European Excellence in Research and involves all researchers profiles funding them with starting, consolidator or advanced grants. We will support ERC application through our Research and Innovation Office and will consider together with the researcher the opportunity of a permanent position at our University. Apply with us! Write to applywithus@uninsubria.it
Uninsubria promotes collaboration with companies and research institutions.
Write to applywithus@uninsubria.it or check our opportunities: