People living in Italy can receive their medical assistance through a mixed public/private system. International students must have valid health insurance (private or public).
EU citizens holding a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) can use Italian National Health Service (SSN) as they are covered by their home health insurance.
Foreign students have various options for health insurance:
- enrol with the Italian National Health Service (SSN)
- take out a private health insurance policy in their home country (check if you have an Home University insurance)
- take out a health policy with an Italian insurance company
Attention: non-EU students must have health insurance (a receipt for a health insurance premium) in order to apply for a residence permit. The health insurance will not be valid for longer than the period covered by residence permit.
With their tax code, foreign citizens can register with the Local Health Authority and choose a general practitioner who gives primary care.
Foreign citizens registered at the National Healthcare Service can have all medical services granted by Italian law at the same conditions as Italian citizens.
Go to a Post Office and use a payment slip to pay for the cost for one calendar year and collect the proof of payment. The reason for the payment is ISCRIZIONE VOLONTARIA AL SSN (voluntary registration to SSN).
Now, it's possible to register with the nearest Health Office (ASL). Documents to bring to the ASL:
- valid permit of stay/or permit application receipt
- self-certification of residence/domicile or declaration of a place of residence as stated on one's permit of stay
- tax code
- proof of payment of the registration amount
Further information:
Once you are in our university, please have a look also at the following information. All of the contents are in Italian.