Degree-seeking students

Degree-seeking students (holding a foreign diploma/degree) enroll in courses with the intent to one day earn an Italian degree.
Please note: in order to apply successfully to any Italian University degree seeking students need to have completed at least 12 years of school.

If you are interested in enrolling in a degree course at our University, please go through the information below.

Once enrolled, you will receive the university badge “Carta Ateneo Più”, a magnetic card with your photo allowing you to use the university services. You will be asked to show it for the access to exam sessions, to enter to study rooms and libraries. “Carta Ateneo Più” is the card that allows you to benefit from the catering service, if you are entitled to it. You may also require to activate for free its banking features with the Banca Popolare di Sondrio: you will be allowed to use it as a prepaid rechargeable contactless card, with a dedicated IBAN code and the home banking devices; you will benefit of fast and secure electronic payments from the University such as tax refund, fellowships, Erasmus fellowships. 


Deadline for Pre-Application on Universitaly: 15/07/2024