The doctorate diploma may be collected during a Diploma Award Ceremony, which takes place every year, generally in May.
Should you prefer to collect it at a different time, please refer to the following instructions.
At the Teaching Coordination and Ph.D. Office, 9 O. Rossi Street in Varese, you may pick up the diploma from the XXXIV cycle onwards.
Before activating the application procedure, you must verify the actual stock of the diploma, contacting the Office at the following e-mail address:
You may collect your diploma from the Teaching Coordination and Ph.D. Office (9 O. Rossi Street in Varese) during the following opening hours:
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
For the collection it will be necessary to send an e-mail to communicating the day, the hour and the chosen place, and only after confirmation of the Office, you may collect the diploma.
In order for you to collect the diploma, you must produce a valid ID card.
Should you wish to collect your diploma from the Como offices (11 Valleggio Street), please send an email to
Should you decide to have your diploma collected by another person, you will need:
- written proxy
- photocopies of the delegator’s and delegate’s valid ID card.
Should you wish to have your diploma delivered, you must send the following documents to the Teaching Coordination and Ph.D. Office (
- a signed declaration which releases the University from liability should the diploma be lost, indicating the degree and final exam date
- a copy of a valid ID card
- the diploma delivery address
- the PagoPa payment receipt of an amount of 11.00 € for delivery charges.
To proceed with payment, please access the PAGOPA website and follow the instructions:
In this case, you must send the following documents to the the Teaching Coordination and Ph.D. Office (
- a signed declaration which releases the University from liability should the diploma be lost, indicating the degree and final exam date
- a copy of a valid ID card
- the diploma delivery address
- the PagoPa payment receipt of an amount of 16.00 € for delivery charges
To proceed with payment, please access the PAGOPA website and follow the instructions: