Master’s degree courses
2 years
Course description
The Master's Degree Course in Communication Sciences and Techniques offers a single, completely revamped course of study in Institutional and Corporate Communication. The programme has been designed to meet the labour market's demand for professionals capable of designing, creating and communicating content in various contexts, including public organisations, companies, traditional and digital media.
In order to complete and enrich an education characterised by a solid humanistic background, a multidisciplinary course is offered with the aim of acquiring knowledge and skills in tune with the rapid mutation that has taken place in contemporary forms of communication.
In order to achieve this, students will learn to utilise theoretical and methodological tools, as well as learning applied techniques and strategies. This will be achieved through professionalising workshops held by professional experts, which are fundamental for:
- understanding, analysing and designing communication processes within complex companies and organisations;
- communicating and addressing social issues such as the environment, health, cooperation and international relations, and promoting corporate social responsibility and sustainability;
- developing content in the sphere of journalism and multimedia information and political communication.
Lessons are held in Italian.
What you need to know
Unrestricted access.
The ones allowed to enroll in the master’s degree in Science and Technical communication are the graduates in:
- Communication Sciences L-20 (ex class 14)
- classes L-01 Beni culturali
- L-03 Discipline delle arti figurative, della musica, dello spettacolo e della moda;
- L-05 Filosofia;
- L-10 Lettere;
- L-11 Lingue e culture moderne;
- L-12 Mediazione linguistica;
- L-15 Scienze del turismo;
- L-19 Scienze dell’educazione e della formazione;
- L-36 Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali;
- L-40 Sociologia;
- L-42 Storia.
The individual preparation of each candidate will be verified through an interview on topics related to the main subjects studied in the first cycle degree in Science Communication. The interview will be held by a chosen teachers committee nominated by the Course of Study’s Council.
If you are a EU National, you may stay in Italy for as long as you like: you only need a passport or ID card.
If you are a NON-EU National, you'll have to carry out some formalities.
Department of Human Sciences and Innovation for the Territory
Curricula and study plans
To consult teaching courses of previous Academic Years, at the top of this page click on "Course data sheet", then choose the Academic Year of your enrollment and click on "Study plans".
Opportunities and support
For information on scholarships and other benefits, consult:
Do you think that this course fits you? Enroll and start studying with us!
Attending classes
Studying, taking exams and graduating
To consult the teaching material:
- go to
- log in with your university credentials: email username and password (without typing the part)
- choose the courses of your study plan in the I miei corsi (My courses) section
- there you will find all the materials that the teacher makes available.
To consult the exam dates and times go to the Servizi Web Segreterie studenti (Student Secretariat Web Services) (in Italian)
In the Menu select one or more options:
- the day scheduled for the exam
- the teaching structure, i.e. your Department or your School
- the course of study, i.e. your degree course
- the teaching course, i.e. the title of the teaching
- the teacher.
To submit your examination entry, you must access your personal area of the Student Secretariat Web Services.
- Log in with your university credentials: email username and password (without typing the part)
- Esami > Appelli
Then, select the exam session you want to submit your entry for and proceed following the instructions.
Student services
For all resources, services and opportunities dedicated to registered students, see: Student.