Training course
Access methods
Restricted access
3 months
Italian, English

Course description

This program offers to medical students the opportunity for a training in preclinical and clinical research in biomedicine and its a contribution to the development of medical knowledge (evidence-based medicine), with the aim to enhance their ability to read and understand scientific studies as well as to encourage the development of attitudes towards scientific research. The program offers knowledge and skills on the methodology, ethics and integrity, experimental and clinical medical research, and on the critical reading and writing of scientific papers.

The program consists of research internships lasting a minimum of 3 months (at least 200 hours) and is integrated into the educational plan of the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery. It includes seminars activities and it concludes with the internship for the preparation of the degree thesis.

Coordinator: Cosentino Marco

What you need to know

To apply for this program you must already be an enrolled student into the Medicine and Surgery Degree course at the University of Insubria.

  1. Integration in research teams and development of a preclinical and/or clinical research project. Students will be allowed to choose among several preclinical laboratories/institutes and clinical wards. Mobility both at the national and at the international level will be encouraged.
  2. Participation in workshops aimed at presenting and critically discussing the available opportunities for physicians to develop a career in scientific research.
  3. Enrollment in sessions dealing with how to read and write scientific papers and with the responsible communication of science. Sessions are developed in collaboration with associations representative of medical students (such as SISM - Segretariato Italiano degli Studenti in Medicina (http://www.varese.sism.org/) as well as with oganizations of patients and their families (such as Associazione Parkinson Insubria (AsPI) Onlus (http://www.parkinson-insubria.org/).


To apply you have to send an email to medici_ricercatori@uninsubria.it, including the following:

  1. full name;
  2. year of the degree course you are enrolled in;
  3. number of credits already obtained and average of the marks;
  4. short Curriculum Vitae with your main personal and professional remarks
  5. preferred research internship(s) (optional) (it is necessary to first contact the professor/researcher responsible for the internship and receive confirmation that the internship is available);

Requests will be accepted on a first come first served basis. If necessary, a student ranking list will be drawn up. It will be based on the credits already obtained and the average grade.

The application for admission must be submitted before the end of first semester of the fifth year of the grade course.

Class attendance

To complete the program, the student needs to:

  1. carry out research internships for at least three months.
  2. attend at least five seminars included in the program. Information on scheduled seminars will be sent from time to time to those enrolled in the course. At the end of each seminar, a certificate of attendance will be issued to those who will request it.
  3. prepare an experimental thesis on topics related to the research internships carried out.

at least fifteen days before the graduation session, prepare and send the following documents to Medici_Ricercatori@uninsubria.it in pdf format (and in carbon copy to the supervisor of the degree thesis) in pdf format:

  1. a report on the research internships carried out countersigned by the teacher(s) responsible for the internships;
  2. the certificates of seminars attendance;
  3. a copy of the final version of the degree thesis.

On this basis, the Working group of the program will determine the additional score to be assigned during the graduation session and will communicate it to the Teaching Secretariat and in carbon copy to the student and his thesis supervisor.

We offer to you the following research internships and optional curricular units.


Attaining your qualification

Completing the program allows the student to obtain:

  • up to 5 additional points for calculating the graduation grade;
  • a certificate of the completed program, that can be used for admission to PhD programs in the medical area at the University of Insubria.

The additional score and the program certification are subject to the favorable opinion of the Working group of the program, based on the documentation sent by the student (see the previous point "Attending the program").



For more information, please send an email to: medici_ricercatori@uninsubria.it