n.1 departmental grant entitled "Elder law and new technologies" - Calling Code: DIECO2024-ADR005

Recipients: Post graduate
Call category: Departmental research fellowship grants
Documentazione bando

Documents and annexes


This is an English courtesy summary of the original documentation prepared in Italian language.

Comunicazioni ai candidati

Communications to candidates

The interview takes place remotely through the use of MicrosoftTeams.

The procedure must ensure:

  • The correct identification of the candidate through an identification document
  • The conduct of the interview in public, thus allowing virtual access to the viewing and listening to the session by third parties in addition to the candidate
  • The necessary formalities for the correct recording of the exam

What candidates need to do in order to carry out the remote interview:

Preparation of the workstation from which to connect via MicrosoftTeams .


Microsoft Teams Links --> https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MGU4MDcwZWItNjQ5Mi00OTA4LWExODktODkwMjI4OTJhNWM1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%229252ed8b-dffc-401c-86ca-6237da9991fa%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%222410c6fb-8c91-49be-a6f7-92001461332b%22%7d.

Calendario e info

Calendar and information

The public interview will take place on 22.07.2024 at 09:30 a.m. on Microsoft Teams
Documentazione esito


Descrizione esiti
Published on:
Application deadline:

For information

Dipartimento di Economia dipartimento.economia@uninsubria.it