Research committee

The Research Committee has propositional and advisory tasks with regard to the strategies pertinent to the scientific research conducted at the University. In particular, it: 

  • expresses an opinion and submits proposals on general needs, the use of resources and the University’s regulations on research; 
  • submits proposals and guidelines on reward policies and evaluation criteria for research projects; 
  • ensures, limitedly to its jurisdiction, the operational and strategic connection with the Doctoral School and the relevant Rector’s delegates (Innovation and Technological Transfer, Talent Attraction, Communication, Orientation and Fundraising, Hospitality to students, PhD students and researchers, Internationalization) and the University Committee for Heavy Equipment; 
  • submits proposals on internal evaluation criteria for research quality and suggests criteria and monitoring models for the University’s research activities; 
  • promotes, with the governing bodies, interventions that aim to improve the University’s research quality, its ability to attract resources and its visibility at the national and international level, elaborating an action plan on the basis of the strategic objectives; 
  • collaborates, upon the governing bodies’ mandate, on the elaboration of summary documents which represent the University’s scientific performance; 
  • approves, in a preliminary way, the annual report on training, research and technological transfer activities. 

The Research Committee, appointed by Academic Senate resolution no. 66 of 22 May 2019, is thus composed: 

  • Professor Flavia Marinelli (President), Rector’s Delegate for Research 
  • Professor Mauro Fasano (Vice President), Rector’s Delegate for Innovation and Technological Transfer 
  • Professor Walter Ageno, full professor, Department of Medicine and Surgery – DMC 
  • Professor Giovanni Bernardini, full professor, Department of Biotechnology and Life Science – DBSV 
  • Professor Paolo Luca Bernardini, full professor, Department of Human Sciences, Territory and Innovation – DiSUIT 
  • Professor Antonio Di Guardo, associate professor, Department of Science and High Technology – DiSAT 
  • Professor Elena Ferrari, full professor, Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences – DiSTA 
  • Federico Raos, Research and Teaching Area Manager 
  • Professor Francesca Ruggieri, full professor, Department of Law, Economics and Culture – DiDEC 
  • Professor Raffaello Seri, full professor, Department of Economics – DiECO