The restitution of cultural goods: the PhD in Law and Humanities conference

, 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 a.m.
Immagine evento
Picture of people inside an Art Museum

On Tuesday, March 7, at 10:30 a.m., in the Aula Magna of the Cloister of Sant'Abbondio, the international conference The restitution of cultural goods between supranational and domestic law, will be held as part of the Doctoral Program in Law and Humanities of the Department of Law Economics and Cultures, under the sponsorship of The 1995 Unidroit Convention Academic Project.

This is an extremely topical issue, as evidenced also by recent television and newspaper reports, which deserves to be explored in depth also in light of the important anniversaries celebrated in recent years, particularly the anniversaries of the entry into force of the Unesco and Unidroit Conventions, regarding the restitution of cultural property. 

The conference, which includes the participation of qualified Italian and foreign scholars, will discuss restitutory obligations from both a national, international and comparative law perspective.


  • 10 a.m. - Institutional greetings and presentation of the conference
    Professor Francesca Ruggieri, Director of the Department of Law Economics and Cultures, University of Insubria
    Professor Giulio Facchetti, Coordinator of the Doctorate in Law and Humanities, University of Insubria
    Professor Marta Cenini, Co-head of I Martedì dell'Arte, University of Insubria
  • 10:30 a.m. - Introduced and moderated by Professor Marta Cenini, University of Insubria
    Professor Andrea Spiriti, University of Insubria
    Attorney Giuditta Giardini, Manhattan District Attorney's Office, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan
    Mr Alexander Herman, Institute of Art & Law, London
    Professor Kamil Zeidler, University of Gdansk
  • 2 p.m. - Introduced and moderated by Professor Alessandra Donati, University of Milano-Bicocca
    Professor Manlio Frigo, University of Milan
    Professor Enrico Damiani, University of Macerata
    Professor Barbara Pozzo, University of Insubria
    Professor Geo Magri, University of Insubria

- PhD coordinator: professor Giulio Facchetti
- Responsible for the I Martedì dell'Arte cycle: professors Andrea Spiriti, Marta Cenini and Geo Magri
- Scientific committee: professors Barbara Pozzo, Andrea Spiriti, Marta Cenini, Geo Magri
- Organizing secretariat: Francesca Corti
