Excellent results for the University of Insubria in the XXV Report Almalaurea 2023, the traditional appointment in June with the analysis of the performance of 77 Italian universities that belong to the consortium headed by Marina Timoteo and chaired by Ivano Dionigi. The data were presented on 12 June 2023 during the conference «Territorial mobility of graduates: what sustainability?» hosted at the University of Palermo, with the support and participation of the Ministry of University and Research.
As always, two dossiers have been drawn up: one on the profile of graduates and one on employment status a year and five years from the title, with data that make up a general report on the performance of the university world and personalized data on individual universities. In all, about 281 thousand graduates were involved in 2022, to develop a photograph containing the main features, and 670 thousand graduates for the analysis of the results achieved in the labour market. The Insubria doctors interviewed were 2,179: 1,597 first level, 377 two-year and 205 one-cycle.
Once again, the University of Varese and Como stands out and improves the already excellent data on the employment status of its graduates. One year after graduation, 86% of three-year doctors not enrolled in a second level course have a job: a clear improvement compared to 79.7% of the 2022 ratio, with an increasingly significant gap on the national average of 75,4%, and also the Lombard average which is 81.4%, and with a salary of 1,416 euros per month, higher than the Italian average of 1,332 euros.
The employment rate of graduates remains very high: one year from the title is 84.3%, with a net break on the national average of 77.1% and a salary of € 1,473; five years from the title is 92.3%.